Introduction Epileptic seizures occur irregularly and are hardly predictable. Due to this, patients diagnosed with epilepsy have a significantly reduced quality of life compared to healthy people. Therefore, knowledge of trigger factors that cause epileptic seizures are of considerable clinical relevance. By avoiding them or by taking precautionary measures, seizures may be avoided. Already known trigger factors are psychological stress, sleep deprivation, alcohol withdrawal, flickering light or forgetting to take medication. A connection between weather changes and the triggering of an epileptic seizure has repeatedly been assumed. However, the studies, which have been carried out so far, have mostly only been accomplished with low case numbers and yielded contradicting results. Material and methods In this exploratory, retrospective study, all patients that had an epileptic seizure and were brought to the neurological clinic of the Westpfalz-Klinikum in Kaiserslautern in the period from January 1, to December 31, were included anonymously. A statistical analysis was carried out with 16 climate parameters collected on the day of presentation. This was made available by the German Weather Service Deutscher Wetterdienst. In addition, a subgroup analysis of the seizure types was carried out according to the ICD and the indicators G In addition, the patients were sorted by the age groups under 16 and over 16 years. Within these groups it also was examined whether the frequency of seizures is associated with seasonal fluctuations. Results In this 5-year period a total of epileptic seizures were evaluated. The average age was The gender ratio was balanced with The investigation of the age group from 16 years gave a significant result for precipitation in the Kruskal-Wallis test. In the subgroup analyzes a total of 42 statistically significant abnormalities became apparent. However, the multiple test problem occurs here. After performing a Benjamini-Hochberg correction, no test would be significant. With the help of a Poisson regression, a statistically significant relationship between the frequency of seizures and precipitation, the maximum wind speed and temperature fluctuations on one day and on two consecutive days could be determined. Overall, there are also indications that the winter months in our regions could have a slight effect on promoting seizures. Discussion The significant but often contradicting results Pascha Blowjob Day 4.09 earlier studies are probably due to the fact that these studies are very heterogeneous and difficult to compare with one another. In fact, studies with a similar question sometimes have a significantly lower number of cases or are highly selected. It is also questionable whether these studies were adequately accounted for the multiple test problem. Our data and those of comparable studies suggest that the influence of the climate is rather minor. However, this should be analyzed more specifically in prospective multicenter studies that take the different climate zones into account. Due to Pascha Blowjob Day 4.09 very different results and the limited informative value of many studies, no reliable clinical recommendations can be made. As a consequence, there is no need for epilepsy patients to make restrictive recommendations depending on the weather. Dies reduziert die Lebensqualität von Epilepsiepatienten deutlich. Die Kenntnis der Triggerfaktoren, die zur Auslösung solcher epileptischen Anfälle beitragen, ist somit von erheblicher klinischer Relevanz, da durch Pascha Blowjob Day 4.09 Vermeidung Anfälle vermieden werden könnten. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen Wetterveränderungen und der Auslösung eines epileptischen Anfalls wurde wiederholt vermutet. Die diesbezüglich bislang durchgeführten Studien wurden jedoch meist nur mit niedrigen Fallzahlen durchgeführt und ergaben widersprüchliche Ergebnisse. Material und Methoden In dieser explorativen, retrospektiven Studie wurden anonymisiert alle Patienten eingeschlossen, die sich in dem Zeitraum vom Es erfolgte eine statistische Aufarbeitung mit den am Tag der Vorstellung erhobenen 16 Klimaparametern, die vom Deutschen Wetterdienst zur Verfügung gestellten wurden. Daneben erfolgte eine Subgruppenanalyse der Anfallstypen nach ICD und den Kennziffern G Zusätzlich erfolgte eine Aufteilung der Patienten in die Altersgruppen unter 16 Jahre und ab 16 Jahre. Innerhalb dieser Gruppen wurde auch untersucht, ob die Anfallshäufigkeit saisonalen Schwankungen unterliegt. Ergebnisse In diesem 5-Jahreszeitraum wurden insgesamt epileptische Anfälle ausgewertet.
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